Pre-Sale Starting in:


Providing a generational shift toward social communities, connecting digital and real world assets into a single ecosystem. A privacy first approach, with Decentrailzed Identification(DID) leveraged to provide pseudonymous association to data. Allowing users to act, speak, and trade freely”

  • Connect with
    Content Creators
  • One to One &
    Group Messaging
  • Digital & Rreal
    World Opportunities
  • Access Our Knowledge
    Base & Learn
  • Smart Push
  • Complete


Token Name Senoa
Token Symbol @SNO
Blockchain Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Total Supply 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 1 Quadrillion
Initial Price 0.0000000001
Burn Wallet: Initial dev burn 223, 000, 000, 000, 000 22.3% of total supply
transferred to Burn Wallet
Digital Assets 60% Available Supply
60% Securitize Fee*
Limited to 5% monthly release
Limited to 4% Securitize transaction fee
Real World Assets (RWA) 60% Available Supply
60% Securitize Fee*
Limited to 5% monthly release
Limited to 4% Securitize transaction fee
Fairsale Distribution Senoa Balance after burn and distributions, for faisale launch

Senoa Token

  • Store of value
  • Transactional currency
  • Deflationary supply
  • Community Driven

Senoa Protocol

  • Governs token exchange
  • Regulates supply
  • Immutable
  • Independently audited

Senoa is actively creating the ability for our community holders to guide the project through a decision making process.

Long Term Vision

Senoa has a history of delivering its roadmap since January 2020. Looking forward, the Senoa Foundation is determined to deliver on a 10 year roadmap of products, services, partnerships and regulatory compliance. View the Senoa roadmap. View the Senoa roadmap.

Peace of Mind

Senoa allocates 4% transaction fee toward a community based fund/asset pool used to hedge against the risk of contingent or uncertain loss. Learn More


Quarterly Filing

Operational transparency
through quarterly filing


Business parameters
can be adjusted through
the democratic governance


Support to cross into
other chains through
polkadot relay

Asset Backed

Digital and real world
assets that protects token
value and holders


No matter which
validator you staking with,
you will revieve the
vToken and rewards


Community holders earn
daily tokens each time
someone buys or sells


  • Acquires Digital and Real World Assets
  • Safe and Secure
  • Create Peace of Mind to Holding Community
Learn More


  • Rewards Community for Holding Senoa token
  • Decreases our supply while increasing our Burn rate
Learn More


  • Creates liquidity for Buying % Selling
  • Increases Buying Pressure through our Buy-Back Strategy
Learn More


  • Asset management
  • Ecosystem development
  • Administrators
  • Utility development
  • Marketing
Learn More


Senoa EcoSystem

Senoa Network

Users join Senoa network for free and can add, delete, chat, share & receive content and access our knowledge base from content creators and influencers.

Content Creators

Our content creators are carefully vetted and elected tohelp allocate resources more efficiently for users. Whether you are new to the industry or a crypto currency enthusiast,...

Fractional Ownership

Senoa allows users to access real world assets through Fractional Ownership. Eliminates the barriers of high minimum investments. Users stake in equity crowdfunding tied to NFT

Securitze Assets

Senoa served 30% of total supply of tokens and 4% of daily volume transactions to procure digital and realworld assets. The more Senoa tokens you hold, the greater stake you will have in the success of the community assets.

About Us

Senoa is a rapidly growing tech company focused on bridging the gap of new entrants to cryptocurrency while combining the need for social learning, knowledge base and peer to peer banking. Less than 4% of the world’s population have either heard of crypto-currency or understand its use.

Senoa provides a safe, convenient and inexpensive environment for anyone to connect, communicate, learn, share information and ideas while financially participating in the world of crypto currency. Strong and lasting economies are built locally and with the growing effects of COVID19, local economies have suffered greatly.

Senoa offers real-world staking opportunities to help revitalize and empower local communities around the world. Users join for free and can add, delete, chat, share & receive content, access our knowledge base of Traders and Influencers.


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Social Governance

Senoa Community is purposely built to have a socially influenced economic incentives model that aligns with the governance of asset opportunities.

Senoa streamlines a framework for DeFi liquidity access, and ability for any business to collateralize their assets.